Pr. Benjamin NGUYEN
De Benjamin NGUYEN
Version du 15 janvier 2024 à 15:21 par Admin (discuter | contributions)
I currently hold the following positions :
- Full professor at INSA Centre Val de Loire (FR), Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondementale d'Orléans (LIFO), since september 2014.
Other Affiliations
- Associate member of the INRIA, PETRUS Team, since january 2017.
Current Interests
My current research focuses on Privacy & Security in Information Management Systems and Applications. More specifically, I am interested in :
- Anonymization techniques.
- Models to represent, quantify and enforce limited data collection.
- Methods to enforce existing privacy models using secure hardware devices or cryptographic techniques (eg. Blockchain).
- Design and implementation of large scale privacy-by-design personal information management applications (in general interdisciplinary research).
Current Funded Projects
- Projet AMI-CMA CyberINSA, PI4 France 2030 Funding
- Projet PEPR Cybersécurité : iPOP (Interdisciplinary Project on Privacy), ANR Funding
- Projet PEPR Santé Numérique, ANR Funding
- Projet ANR PrELAP (Dynamic Epistemic Logics for Privacy), ANR Funding
- Projet ANR SendUP (SEmantic Networks of Data: Utility and Privacy), ANR Funding
- Projet ADOPTER (Analyse de Données issues de Tests Volontaires), Région Centre Val de Loire Funding
- French-Japanese working group on Privacy
Past Interests
- Contact Tracing Apps in the context of the Covid19 pandemic (in particular ROBERT and DP3T), you might be interested in my presentation
- Semi-structured Databases (XML), their query languages (XQuery), and in particular temporal/privacy aspects.
- Peer-to-peer (P2P) XML databases, and their confidentiality/security aspects.
- Ontologies
I am alumnus of :
- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (FR) - ENS-Cachan, now ENS Paris-Saclay (graduate studies)
- Inria teams
- Athens University of Economics and Business, DB-Net Research Team (post-doc)
- University of Versailles, PRiSM Lab, Data Integration and Management Team (Associate Professor).
Contact Me
- Office SA3.14, INSA Centre Val de Loire, 88 boulevard Lahitolle, CS 60013 - 18022 BOURGES cedex, FRANCE
- Phone : (+33) 2 48 48 40 94
- Email : benjamin [dot] nguyen [at] insa-cvl [dot] fr